I had a great opportunity a few years ago to work with John Pugh on a mural he was painting in Minneapolis.
I flew up there and spent about 5 weeks assisting, A large portion of that time was spent painting bricks. If you look at the finished photo, the entire side of the wall is completely painted, including the bricks.
Our working hours were mostly overnight, which was great. It was cooler than the day, and much quieter, so we were able to accomplish alot without phones ringing, people stopping by to talk, or even much traffic on the street.

Working with John was great. I learned alot, not just painting techniques but his work process and project management. A mural of this size requires alot of multitasking, and John was very generous in sharing his knowledge.

I probably should have written something at the time, but we were busy, tired, and honestly, i was just a hired hand, so it didn’t seem appropriate to post many pics, or write too much. I did now because the mural made a list of the top attractions of Minneapolis, and I’m happy to have played a small part in it.