Tag: mural

Map lettering
art, murals

Map Mural

  Map mural of the Bahamas Islands This week I did a map mural of the Bahamas. My client is a pilot who flies people to the Bahamas and wanted a geographically correct map mural for his home office.  We wanted something that still looks good in a residence, but […]


Using mural paints vs house paint

A question I get quite often is “What type of paint do you use?” Or ” How much money can we save by using house paint? “ To start, house paint is probably about 30% cheaper than mural paints. And in many circumstances they work quite nicely. They are exterior […]

art, murals

NYC Skyline Mural

NYC skyline mural I just finished a NYC skyline mural at Tony’s NY Pizza in Ft Myers. This project was alot of fun since it combined a few of my favorite things, NYC and pizza! I did the majority before I left for Europe and since they were under construction […]


Naples Beach Brewery mural

I stopped in recently to check on a mural I did about three years ago to see how its holding up in a commercial environment. It still looks great and the decor surrounding it is a perfect fit!!!! I couldnt be happier. The design is for a brewery and if […]

art, murals


Wow, things have been crazy.  If you notice things missing off my site, its because I’m redoing it, and haven’t had a chance to breathe lately. Sitting in front of the computer with a cup of coffee and finishing my website sounds like a vacation at this point. It seems […]